The Customs, Etiquette and Traditions of the Old Testament【電子書籍】[ James Freeman ]
<p>Many students and scholars, alike, have a varietal of reference books, commentaries, dictionaries and other assorted works. Yet, for one not to have such a valuable work as this within their library, not alone never to have perused its contents is like one who drives an automobile, without a set of gauges. This work is such a highly praised and valued work because it facilitates a person’s understanding of the cultural and historical relationship behind the Biblical text. Indeed, there are scores of tomes, which are mere commentaries, yet there is no other work such as this, which provides the valuable understanding of the concept and implications regarding the ‘context’ in which the biblical works were written. This work, unlike a commentary or dictionary, explains the concept within the everyday life of the people and as the historical beginnings, providing not an opinion, but facts regarding the most difficult passages of Scripture. This work is both a historical work and an encyclopedia work combined.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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